In this episode we’re in San Diego, California. We make plans to meet up with a hot, single guy. Great profile. Fabulous reviews on Kasidie – the online adult community for sexually adventurous people. We text back and forth for days. Excitement builds. We set the day, the time, the place. “Let’s meet for drinks.” We keep in touch, even on that day. Now we’re getting ready. The phone dings. It’s him! (It’s also 30 minutes before we agreed to meet.) “Sorry, I made other plans.”……………. WTF!!! Did we just get dumped? Who does this? Why? No one enjoys rejection and Tori is hit hard by this. This time it’s Soul to the emotional rescue. Find out how we still rise from the ashes of rejection by working through the raw emotions it brings up.
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Podcasts and Resources Mentioned: (affiliate link) (affiliate link)
Valentine’s in Niagara – – Seek Discover Create Lifestyle Dating Site – Swing Lifestyle Dating Site – Kasidie Lifestyle Dating Site) – Naughty in N’awlins (affiliate link) – Prairie Edibles in Canada (affiliate link) – Limitless Life – Katy suppliment (affiliate link)
Podcast-A-Palooza –
Batman and Some Sexy Firsts at Ozone –
OMG We’re Non-Monogamous Sluts! –
MeWe – social media/chat app/site
Booty Call Blues –
Thank U, Next (song) by Ariana Grande on YouTube
Lead Us To Temptation – –
How to Leave a Review with a Nickname
Interesting Quotes:
- We’re back home from 5 weeks of travel
- You wanted to celebrate your birthday in your birthday suit
- I have never met a potatoe farmer
- Maybe they’ll still like us
- Life on the Swingset takeover of Desire
- We did one of my fantasies… right under the beautiful midday sun
- They didn’t want to seem like pervs
- He was wearing his wife’s g-string
- Comet & Cupid
- Because they are so open with each other
- they never play separate
- She’s got to be damn good to get what I’ve got
- Ginger and Swinger Doc kinda rocked our kink world, and we didn’t even know we had a kink world
- We left early to go board the Bliss Cruise
- We signed up for the Bliss Cruise November 2021
- Some people wait until the last day to say Hi
- Are we really that scary?!?
- The one gentleman walked up to us at the end of the day
- Are you actually Torrid Souls?
- Saw them again on the promenade
- You gotta check this out
- He was already tall and hot, and then you add in the abs and the pecs
- If you listen to us, you know what we look for!
- That was cruel, showing us those good and then “let you think about this for 2 years”
- There’s no reason to think that you are disturbing us
- Unless we’re in a playroom, then maybe wait until after
- People are not absolutely sure it’s us
- Your thigh-high 5 inch black boots is becoming your signature
- Spent time in South Florida
- Up next – Valentine’s in Niagara
- Affiliate links – kind of an energy exchange
- Since we are naturally going to recommend the things we do and things we like
- There’s this bonus that listeners get
- try out different places and resorts… gives you a picture in advance… that’s very helpful
- If it doesn’t sound like something for you
- If you don’t know what to look for… you have an impression that it’s not a good place
- If you book through an affiliate link, it’s the same cost
- Whatever specials that happen, they work through everyone’s affiliate link
- Spread the love
- So we could give somebody a percentage of the money
- Looking forward to being back in the sun again – and topless!
- This was a hard one to put out
- Please give us feedback
- We are starting to build out community on Kasidie
- Almost like another social media
- Tell us what you think, how it went for you
- We just got the lamest ditch
- “I didn’t hear from you, so I made other plans, sorry”
- It was supposed to be that we would podcast about our first successful match up on Kasidie
- Normally we like to get to know someone more
- It was right up to an hour before we were supposed to meet
- We agreed to a general time
- We said we may not be willing to entertain at our hotel, as we had family that booked at the same freakin’ hotel
- Not condusive… we make a lot of noise
- He’s thinking this is a guaranteed meet up
- “I was looking forward to a threesome today with 2 hot Canadians”
- He thought it was a sure thing
- We wanted to meet for drinks first
- He was thinking that would be a waste of time
- Maybe we need to start having phone meetings or video calls
- It will determine that there’s a better connection, then it won’t freak them out as much
- Have some more fireball… take some more sips… then the truth will come out
- I just think that this sucks
- We’re really honest people. We’re forthcoming – we tell people what’s going on – keep them updated
- I think you’re hot, you think I’m hot, that’s all that matters.
- We’re intelligent, have great conversations with people
- I was really looking forward
- In a city we don’t know
- Looking forward to the pub… flirting… and the good match
- I can’t seem that someone does that, unless they think they are being ditched, so they want to ditch first
- Tinder Generation – flip them off the screen
- It was really a shock, that we were getting ready
- Let’s read his reviews:
- “beautiful package and amazing stamina”
- “handsome, intelligent, sexy”
- “reliable, on time, ready to play”
- “multiple rounds, because one is just not enough”
- “fantastic body, a nice big hard cock”
- “one hot guy, should not miss the opportunity to meet”
- “hung stud”
- they go on and on and on
- Maybe he thought we were ditching him
- He should say “are you guys not feeling it”
- Fireball’s kicking in… your tongue stopped working?
- The only thing I can think of, is that he felt disrepected
- You’re taking it as we must have done something to him, I’m taking it as hey, he didn’t deal with this right
- I don’t care what happens, you still have to be mature about your response to people
- It’s possible some of those messages didn’t get through
- It shows ‘read’
- “Sorry if it seemed like we were ditching you, as that certainly wasn’t the case”
- “This is the situation with the hotel”
- “We wish you the best in your adventures”
- Something happened in his head
- Nothing we did, it’s how he responds to it
- Trying to make arrangements for a limited amount of time we were in town
- I guess you meet them more at resorts and events first
- It is likely going to do better through a phone or video call first
- Some people are good at communicating by text, then not so great in real life
- When you do a call, you get to know their personality better
- Suggest a phone all, or a video call
- I wish it didn’t have to be that way
- Booty Call Blues episode
- Cop Guy… wanted to take it further that night… went away… came back again… nothing
- Maybe some of these guys are the type that they get so much action, that they can’t be bothered
- The problem is, why don’t people say something
- We’re pretty open and pretty honest
- Do we expect people to be as honest as us
- We’ve done a lot of personal growth
- People run away and hide
- If you’re feeling good about something, say so, when you’re feeling wierd about something, say so
- There’s a lot of hard things that happen in life
- What they were taught was “make up stories” or “run and hide”
- If I talk about myself, there is no confrontation in that
- Talk about yourself, because nobody can argue with that
- Never saying “you”
- Nobody can argue with”I” statements
- example: “I am confused about why the hotel that your staying at is not a possibility, and I’d like to know that before meeting with you”
- “I want to settle on an exact time, because having a time and being on time is important to me”
- It’s such a closed way of looking at things
- Body reacting… instead of heart saying “I don’t know”
- A body memory rather than an actual logical response to what is in front of you
- Tigers are not chasing you down
- You are going to be just like that person, so I’m going to bail
- “something like this happened to me before”
- grammar queen
- more video and phone calls
- we prefer that communications are clear
- we will answer anything
- In case you are wondering who is texting, it is both of us
- Please be honest
- We are looking for the concept of friends with benefits… repeat worthy
- Kinda like a friendship
- It’s becoming relational
- There has to an element in there of disposability
- What the hell went wrong… what can we do better for next time
- Not to feel as dissapointed as I feel
- I was thoroughly shocked
- Went on Tinder – swiped someone
- We would have been way better… would have worn him out
- Went on reviews
- He had everything else too
- That sounds great… that many people couldn’t be wrong
- Maybe he’s well sought after
- We don’t do it that way, we plan for 3 weeks
- When we sent our face picture, he sent a heart… almost as if “that’ll do”
- Thank You, Next — we’re learning stuff
- I’m learning that I’m anxious, paranoid, but it has good uses
- I’m always hoping that it would be that way
- Maybe he’s just really busy
- He was insistant on “here’s the restaurant next to your hotel”
- He’s probably banging somebody right now
- Ariana Grande
- Wasn’t a match
- Thank U, Next
- “I’m so fucking grateful for my ex”
- Put your shoulders back, put some glitter on your shoulder
- Just make you stronger and better and sexier
- I want you to be happy… this is all about us
- Us gets to be disappointed together
- I don’t usually take the lead to reaching out to contact with anybody
- You weren’t against it, but you weren’t gung ho
- I feel like an idiot
- I wanted to create something that was a lot of fun, to start off our vacation
- Start it off with a bang, hehe
- We’ve been really busy
- I feel like I suck at this… I suck at flirting
- When you and I compose these message… I put logistics… you put in fun and flirty
- If we’re awesome, we wouldn’t have got ditched
- That would be a waste of a night for him, if we met for drinks and nothing else
- Figure out what the hell people want and what they’re saying
- Is this digging up deep stuff, because you look like you’re on the edge of tears
- It just doesn’t feel good, and this is supposed to feel good
- I get it that it’s painful
- You think that this is your fault
- Different types of people in the world
- not interested, move on… trying to close a deal… not closing fast enough… move on
- We’ve met people who are moving too slow for us
- we’re somewhere in between
- We’ve met people who we thought weren’t interested, but they were, they just move reaaallly slowly
- Hey, wait a minute, this is not a sure thing. I’m just going to move on to a sure thing.
- Matching up with somebody who has the same amount of respect for what we are looking for… not just a big dick.
- For all you know, he’s on one end of the spectrum, way too far away from what we are looking for.
- Not saying he’s not a nice guy, I’m just saying the way he operates.
- Because he’s nice and friendly, but maybe he just needs to close deals faster
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