After socializing for 2 weeks at the Desire and Temptation Resorts, Cancun, our voices are a wee bit raspy. In this episode we introduce you to our non-scripted CarClips. It’s where some of our best in-the-moment epiphanies and ah-ha moments happen. We wrestle with the absurdities of monogamy (now that we are married) and decide whether to go out with our neighbours (now that they have told us they are in the lifestyle). Yikes! Join us and discover your own torrid soul. We’d love to hear from you! Send us your questions or comments. 1-647-547-5512 Twitter and Instagram @TorridSouls
Tori: 00:00 Welcome to Torrid Souls. I’m Tori
Soul: 00:04 and I’m Soul
Tori: 00:05 We’re a same sex female couple …and we’re both bisexual.
Soul: 00:10 Yes! How awesome is that?
Tori: 00:12 So maybe we’re not the norm in the lifestyle and maybe our experiences are unique or are they?
Soul: 00:18 We’re a couple, very much in love.
Tori: 00:21 And like you, we like to spice it up sometimes too. So join us and let our smexy lifestyle conversations open your minds
Soul: 00:28 and your legs
Tori: 00:30 just a wee bit wider.
Tori: 00:35 Hello everyone and welcome to our very first episode of Torrid Souls. I’m Tori
Soul: 00:41 and I’m Soul
Tori: 00:43 This episode is called. OMG! We’re Non-Monogamous Sluts!
Soul: 00:47 Oh my gosh. Well here we are. This is exciting!
Tori: 00:51 Yeah, we’re finally here.
Soul: 00:52 We’re doing it.
Tori: 00:53 Yeah, we’ve been talking about it for awhile. We’ve made lots of connections with people on twitter and on vacations and
Soul: 00:59 waiting to hear this stuff.
Tori: 01:02 They’re waiting for us. Not to make that any more nervous.
Soul: 01:04 No, no pressure. Say something smart and sexy,
Tori: 01:09 but that’s what we said, SMEXY
Soul: 01:13 Yes! Apparently. This is it. We’re on. Here we go.
Tori: 01:16 So our discussion today, we’re going to be talking about non-monogamy and specifically how we sort of see that and then about the word slut, which was kind of a fun and surprised conversations.
Soul: 01:28 Yeah we got shocked by that!
Tori: 01:28 So we some clips we will be adding. So that’s our first clip is a rant that we did about marriage and monogamy. Just to give you a little background on us. We did recently get married. We have had some discussions about what marriage means to us, why we decided to do that. We’ve been together for over a decade, so for a super long time. We will definitely go through how we met and our journey and how we found each other as well as our journey in the lifestyle. But I don’t think that’s for today’s episode so much, but I think just understanding the background about why we would be discussing marriage and monogamy makes more sense if you know that we just recently got married.
Soul: 02:04 Why would two people who don’t believe in monogamy get married after being together for many years?
Tori: 02:14 Great question. Why would two people, do you have experience with that?
Soul: 02:18 Yes.
Tori: 02:18 Okay.
Soul: 02:18 As a matter of fact, I do.
Tori: 02:20 Oh Wow, so tell us, “Hey Soul, why would two people who don’t believe in monogamy get married after being together for over a decade?”
Soul: 02:28 Because it’s two separate things. I believe that monogamy has to do with your choice of how you want to be in the world and marriage is a contract between two people – that’s kind of more government I guess, and it’s something to be said about the two people that are together to say, “Yes, I signed the papers and I want to be with you forever!” versus “What are we going to do when we have fun? Are we going to have it with each other, all the time? Or are we going to have it with other people? Together? Separately?” That’s why I see it as completely different. So the two people that have been together can still get married and still not believe in monogamy.
Tori: 03:12 Mm-Hmm. Well, I think one of the strangest stories that we heard when we were actually at Desire, we heard a story in the pool (people talking) where they met in the lifestyle and when they got together were a couple, in the lifestyle, but they weren’t yet married and they would play with other couples or they would do however version that they did. And then they decided to get married and when they got married, they didn’t discuss the concepts of what marriage meant to them and I found it so interesting that she was shocked by the fact that he felt… Basically, when they got married, she wanted to continue their lifestyle adventures and vacations and everything they normally did and his understanding was that once they got married, they would be monogamous. That marriage equaled monogamy and so they basically ended up not staying married. Had we been able to give them advice, it might’ve been, hey, get divorced and stay together (but, regardless, that might not have been an option for them) but it was interesting how he automatically assumed that the two were the same, so much so that they actually couldn’t stay together. Whereas she assumed that it would stay the same as it had been in that they were…
Soul: 04:23 …having met in the lifestyle. They would continue in the lifestyle.
Tori: 04:26 So it was very interesting. So I think it’s a good discussion to have where people can believe that marriage equals something and what marriage actually means to someone. Because I think over the years there’s a lot of things that we’ve discussed that – just to give an example – where you’ve said something, a certain belief that you have and I’ll say, well, is that truly what you believe or is that what you’ve been taught?
Soul: 04:46 Yes. To separate what you’ve been taught from what you actually truly believe deep down inside and your soul is completely different for some people and it is the same for some people.
Tori: 04:57 So I think one thing that people in existing marriages need to do is to discuss what marriage means to them. Whether they’re in the lifestyle or not for that matter, or whether they’re just considering being in the lifestyle or even married in any way, shape or form in any type of relationship.,really need to discuss (ideally before they get married) but most of us don’t get that kind of awareness when, the first time we get married, to know what marriage means. Because for some people it can be a set of rules, it can be a set of guidelines, it can be a set of boundaries. For other people, it’s a set of freedoms, and it’s a set of now they can have sex whenever they want or now they can, whatever. So there’s a whole bunch of things that marriage can mean and we don’t believe marriage equals monogamy. We actually think that monogamy is not natural. That it doesn’t really suit the human species (doesn’t suit many other species as well, if you want to get into the animal kingdom) but we won’t discuss that right now. It just doesn’t feel natural.
Soul: 05:54 Well, it’s kind of interesting that you say that because I’m becoming more and more intrigued by what marriage is and I’m actually going to have to look into it and do some research as to where this all started, where it became the norm that you marry one person and that’s the only legal way that it is considered a legal relationship. So where did…
Tori: 06:17 Yeah, I’m sure it has to do with church and state, as I mentioned in the car clip that we’re going to be playing.
Soul: 06:20 Yeah, because I think it does have a purpose and it does it…. It came about to serve something and I don’t know what that service is. It is obviously not designed based on how human beings interact, socially, so I’m very curious about how it separated from what is natural for a human being to now be seen as something that is not the norm.
Tori: 06:44 Mm-hmm. Well we’ll have to, perhaps, revisit that at another time. All right, well in the meantime, let’s go ahead and move onto our car clip, which is just our fun little rant that we did. What we’ve discovered is that our epiphanies are not scripted, so in starting to put this podcast together, we discovered that they come pretty much at anytime, like often in the car or in bed or whatever, but the audio is not always the greatest. The content, however, is much better than I think we ever could have done had. We put a script together and sat down and tried to recreate it in the studio.
Soul: 07:18 Yeah, I think doing it while we’re feeling, is better. Isn’t that how it works with sex as well? When you’re feeling it, you do it. If you’re not feeling it, don’t do it. And if you happen to be feeling it in the car, do in the car. So our Car Clips are doing it in the car because we were feeling it in the car or on the bed or in a hotel room or…
Tori: 07:41 wherever.
Soul: 07:41 Wherever! So bear with us and enjoy the feeling.
Tori: 07:45 So if you’re noticing that our voices are a bit raspy in these clips, just understand that we just came back from a wonderful trip. We were actually two weeks in Temptation and Desire…
Soul: 07:57 …in Cancun.
Tori: 07:58 Yes, lots of socializing,
Soul: 07:59 lots of sun, lots of alcohol, lots of socializing.
Tori: 08:04 So our voices reflect exactly that. We do have some strong opinions about why we feel that monogamy simply doesn’t make sense, but what we’ll do is we’ll just let you listen to our goofy clip. Our first Car Clip coming up right now.
Tori: 08:23 So here’s the thing, the only thing you stopped doing is…?
Soul: 08:28 What did I start off by saying?
Tori: 08:30 You started off by saying that…
Soul: 08:32 Sex drives everything. It’s the driving force. It’s what keeps you alive and kicking and you can tell who’s having it and who’s not.
Tori: 08:40 Yeah because people who are not having it look washed up.
Soul: 08:40 Kinda like things are starting to stagnate. Whereas people who are having to put on eyeliner. They make the effort to make sure their hair’s done.
Tori: 08:57 And show a little shoulder,
Soul: 08:59 Put some glitter on the shoulder,
Tori: 09:01 Like somebody right here.
Soul: 09:02 to see who’s looking. So I have these little subliminal messages. Oh, dat girl has gliitter on his shoulders. She’s sexy.
Tori: 09:11 She gettin’ some.
Soul: 09:13 She gettin’ some. She doin’ it. But it’s a natural thing. It’s a thing that you do. It’s the thing that makes nature run and it’s the only thing that for some reason they’ve taught us that once you get married, you’re supposed to stop doing that with anybody else. Which makes no sense because everything else works. Everything else is the same, isn’t it?
Tori: 09:38 Yeah. Yeah. Everything’s the same. The same job.
Soul: 09:42 You go to the same grocery store. You bank in the same place. It’s like, Oh No!
Tori: 09:46 Stop banking here.
Soul: 09:46 I’m sorry, you’re married, you’re married, you can’t bank here or I’m sorry, you can’t show up at that grocery store now that you’re married or you can’t work with those people because you’re married.
Tori: 09:56 This is the shoe store for the married people.
Soul: 09:58 Yes. You have to go to this shoe store and you can’t go to that shoe store you used to go to when you weren’t married because now you’re married. But somehow…
Tori: 10:08 You get married and you stop sleeping around.
Soul & Tori: 10:10 Well look, even the term “sleeping around” is derogatory, as opposed to, you know, if you have a conversation with somebody when you’re single and you have a conversation with somebody when you’re married, it’s the same conversation. But if you are having sex with somebody when you’re single and you have sex with the same person when you’re married then all of a sudden there’s a HUGE difference. So logically it doesn’t make sense. Yeah. Zero. So who made the rule? We’ll have a look into that. Somebody who, who, um, decided that it was better this way. Church and State decided that’s what it’s all about. I don’t know. I dunno. It makes no sense. But this is the things I think about all the time. This is the non monogamy rant Non-monogamy rant. Drop the mic. Peace out.
Tori: 11:09 So one thing that we’ve discovered is that how, what we call ethically non-monogamous or being (what’s the other word that we saw recently that was really cool?), being socially sexual? Sexually social?
Soul: 11:23 Sexually social. Sexually adventurous.
Tori: 11:26 Yeah. So a lot of terms like that. So one of the things that I think we’ve discovered is that how being ethically non-monogamous or sexually social (I can’t say that one) so how that pushes us, um, that it invites us to sort of check in inside about what’s true for ourselves.
Soul: 11:40 Yeah, I think it makes me want to realize what it is that I’m confident about and what I’m scared about. And I think having a connected relationship like we have, then I can speak about things and get support about trying stuff. It certainly boosted my confidence. Now I see people that I’m not thinking that I need to be afraid of somebody being complimentary.
Tori: 12:05 Yeah, that’s been a huge change for you.
Soul: 12:08 Sometimes people being much younger than me, I’m totally confident around them now and I also see now that most people are just kind of scared, so I think that has been a huge difference for me.
Tori: 12:22 And that’s how you feel that you’ve grown. The next car clips that we’re putting in this podcast, I’m actually starts in the driveway and it starts out that were just discussing whether or not that we’re going to go out to a lifestyle club for the evening. I don’t know if you remember, but the catch was that we had just found out that our neighbors were in the lifestyle and I was suggesting that we text them because they go to a regular club every Saturday night and I was thinking that we could join them for that particular Saturday night. Not that we were interested in playing or anything. They already knew that that wasn’t the case, but just as a social thing to be able to try out their regular, what do they call it? Their regular (spot). Their regular spot or other regular roost. So that’s the next clip that we have for you is us on the driveway in our car. Here’s our CarClip:
Soul: 13:14 I can’t be comfortable
Tori: 13:14 Why?
Soul: 13:15 Because you always push me to the next level of… Oh,
Tori: 13:19 What’s the next level?
Soul: 13:20 What about this? What about that?
Tori: 13:22 No, I’m just an idea generator. That’s all.
Soul: 13:24 And then I have to consider it.
Tori: 13:26 That’s the idea is when there’s ideas they get considered.
Soul: 13:32 And then I’m like haaaa. Yeah. Because I could just like go inside, put on my inside the house clothes and coast.
Tori: 13:41 You could.
Soul: 13:41 Then you’re like, oh, but we can fit this in here. You ever thought this and that and then I feel like I should consider it because…
Tori: 13:49 Well you don’t have to. It’s whatever we want to do.
Soul: 13:51 You come up with stuff and then…
Tori: 13:53 I’m just going to come up with stuff.
Soul: 13:55 So I don’t have to consider it?
Tori: 13:57 Well it’s nice if you consider it. Consider it to be considerate of the consideration of the partnership we have. So it’s nice if you consider the things I say. If you dismiss the things I say, then that’s not very considerate (or something like that). But, no, you don’t have to do anything I say or suggest. It is to be taken into consideration.
Soul: 14:21 But I don’t want to seem like a… a wimp.
Tori: 14:23 Yeah, why are you a wimp? If you don’t want to do something, you don’t do something.
Soul: 14:26 Because we meet people now and every time we meet people and they say, Oh, you’ve done a lot. You’ve been a lot of places and…
Tori: 14:34 because we’ve made some great connections…
Soul: 14:36 No that’s because you come up with these ideas and I’m like, okay, fine. I have no clue this is gonna work or not, but I’m just going to try it.
Tori: 14:43 And how many of them have not worked?
Soul: 14:48 Crickets.
Tori: 14:48 Crickets. Very few, like, to none.
Soul: 14:51 l know but they push me to the point where I have to drink.
Tori: 14:56 Oh, give me a break. We drink vacation,
Soul: 15:00 I have to drink to, I have to drink to consider it because then my brain starts thinking of what if, what if, what if, what if, what if and your like shhhhh. Shhhh. Just try it.
Tori: 15:09 Well, maybe the whole reason you don’t like chatting guys is because they sound like your brain.
Soul: 15:13 Probably. I don’t wanna talk. My brain talks enough.
Tori: 15:20 Mm-hmm
Soul: 15:20 ‘Cause it sounds like I’m using people?
Tori: 15:21 You’re not using people. You would be using people. If they were thinking that they were getting something out of it, if you were leading them on to believe that they were getting something out of it that they’re not going to get.
Soul: 15:32 So how is this different from prostitution?
Tori: 15:34 Well, prostitution is still not a problem because it’s someone who’s paying for a service and someone who’s willing to offer the service. It’s an exchange of energy. It’s a, it’s an, it’s a deal. It’s a business deal. It’s a personal deal. It’s a, it’s, it’s an exchange. There’s nothing wrong with prostitution, absolutely nothing. There’ll be something wrong with somebody being forced into it, but that’s a totally different world. Someone who chooses to do whatever they choose to do, that includes sex or otherwise, it’s a choice. So just because you…
Soul: 16:09 So prostitution without money is just a slut.
Tori: 16:12 Ha! Ummm Well, I don’t know. Prostitution without money? It wouldn’t be called prostitution. It’s called sex because it’s consensual sex.
Soul: 16:21 So it’s not prostitution it’s promiscuity.
Tori: 16:23 Sure. Give it a word. If you want to give it a label and give it a word. Promiscuity just basically means that you sleep around except you don’t sleep. It’s sleeping around without sleeping It’s getting around.
Soul: 16:37 It’s a euphemism. So we have to come up with different terms that are not derogatory
Tori: 16:40 Yeah, I’m sure there’s some good terms, but I’ll have to listen to more podcasts to get them. Well, some people like the word slut. They fully embrace the word slut .
Soul: 16:47 I do, sometimes.
Tori: 16:49 Yeah. Recently. That’s a recent thing. Because slut can be fine. It’s your choice. You’re going to look up the word slut now.
Soul: 16:57 Yes.
Tori: 16:57 Okay, slut probably means that you, whatever, have sex with a lot of people. Or sex with people just for the purpose of having sex or something. If I was to… See if my definition correct. Definition of slut. But don’t use the…
Soul: 17:10 Probably nobody has looked it up because it didn’t show up. A woman. A WOMAN! ( So you can have a male slut.) A woman who has many casual sexual partners.
Tori: 17:19 There we go. So then…
Soul: 17:21 A woman with low standards of cleanliness.
Tori: 17:25 Whaaat!
Soul: 17:25 Ha ha ha.
Tori: 17:25 That can’t be a proper one.
Soul: 17:29 It says… Ha ha
Tori: 17:29 That’s dated. See, that’s not a current. That’s a dated definition. So saying it’s not a current definition.
Soul: 17:35 Promiscuous woman, prostitute, whore, floozy, tramp, hooker.
Tori: 17:40 You’re looking at synonyms?
Soul: 17:42 Hustler. A tart!
Tori: 17:44 A tart!
Soul: 17:44 A scarlet woman. A loose woman. A hussy. A trollop!
Tori: 17:55 You’re a slutty tart.
Soul: 17:55 A trollop.
New Speaker: 17:57 A trollopy tart.
New Speaker: 17:57 It sounds like dessert.
Tori: 18:00 Uh, it is!
Soul: 18:02 A harlot. A strumpet and a wonton.
Tori: 18:05 A strumpet?
Soul: 18:05 Strumpet. S t r u m p e t. A strumpet.
Tori: 18:08 A strumpet.
Soul: 18:09 She dressed like a slut and didn’t act much better.
Tori: 18:12 So which dictionary is this?
Soul: 18:15 Google!
Tori: 18:15 Well, it’s not just Google. There’s got to be a dictionary. No, it is Google.
Soul: 18:18 Yeah, But they show you archaic is harlot. Dated is tart and informal is floozy and tramp and hooker. But most popular is promiscuous woman.
Tori: 18:31 Promiscuous girl
Soul: 18:32 …with casual sexual partners. We’re sluts.
Tori: 18:43 We’re sluts.
Soul & Tori: 18:43 Haha-ha-ha. Haaaa
Soul: 18:43 Oh my God. That’s a relief.
Tori: 18:51 That’s a relief? What’s a relief about it?
Soul: 18:54 Now I know.
Tori: 18:54 Now, you know,
Soul: 18:55 I can’t be cursed.
Tori: 18:58 There you go.
Soul: 18:58 Yes I am. Thank you very much. How’s your life going?
Tori: 19:03 There you go. Claim it. Claim it, Girl
Soul: 19:10 Z formation. It’s like, it’s like you claim those derogatory words like, like queer
Tori: 19:17 Mm-hm. Because queer was a derogatory word, now that community loves it.
Soul: 19:20 And nigga
Tori: 19:20 Yeah. And that’s in every song that there is to do with gangster rap.
Soul: 19:24 Bitch. Motherfucker.
Tori and Soul: 19:25 “Bitch betta have my money…”
Soul: 19:29 So when people… they can’t, they can’t.
Tori: 19:31 You just swore by the way.
Soul: 19:34 I was referring to things.
Tori: 19:35 I know. So was I.
Soul: 19:37 I was… I was…Yeah. I did.
Tori: 19:44 You did. You slut!
Soul: 19:44 Yes, I am. Just don’t tell certain people because they will judge me because they are not having as much fun.
Tori: 19:53 Exactly. Sluts have fun.
Soul: 19:56 Wow, I never thought I’d ever be a slut
Tori: 19:58 And claim it.
Soul: 20:00 Wow. This is a moment.
Tori: 20:03 It is a moment!
Soul: 20:04 It is. I’m having a moment. The words have definitions that people make up that make you feel that it’s something wrong or it could just be a word and that word has never been in the category of, “It’s just a word,” until now.
Tori: 20:24 Until now.
Soul: 20:24 Weird. Can you hear it? Can you feel it? The moment I’m having.
Tori: 20:30 Mm-hm, It’s very slutty, a slutty moment,
Soul: 20:36 It’s just like everything changes, like a kaleidoscope. Changing. It’s like, wow, holy crap, that word is not as bad as I thought it was. I just can’t tell everybody.
Tori: 20:47 No. Tell people who don’t mind it. It’s a word.
Soul: 20:49 But we’re supposed to be teaching people stuff. We’re just rambling.
Tori: 20:55 No, this teaches people stuff. It does! Rambling can teach people stuff. We just taught the definition of slut. I will stop recording …now that we have our… slut podcast.
Soul: 21:02 The slutcast.
Tori & Soul: 21:02 Slutcast. Welcome to Tori and Soul Torrid Souls slutcast. Car talk.
Tori: 21:13 Car talk with Tori and Soul. No, slutcast with Tori and Soul. Hmmm.
Soul: 21:24 Part of me, my brain goes, you have to watch what you say because your children will find this.
Tori: 21:35 Yeah. So what!
Soul: 21:35 Then they’ll and say, Oh my God,
Tori: 21:35 Then there’ll be educated.
Soul: 21:37 My mother has a secret life as a podcasting slut.
Tori: 21:42 Yes, but they will be educated by that podcasting slut. And then they will have good sex life. So what is wrong with that?
Soul: 21:50 The shock.
Tori: 21:50 The shock will wear off. It’s, it’s the next generation. They’ll be fine.
Soul: 21:54 That’s how I censor myself because I’m like, somebody’s gonna find it!
Tori: 21:59 Well, don’t censor yourself. Yeah, they will find it.
Soul: 22:01 Hello. Hi. You found us. I know what you were looking for and you came upon us. You know us. Hi.
Tori: 22:18 Hi.
Soul: 22:18 Welcome. You know what I know and I know what you know. See, this is all back to the, ” Don’t let go yu feathers.”
Tori: 22:29 Don’t let go yu feathers?
Soul: 22:30 Yu feathers. I was taught to not let go of my feathers, and this, at this point. I am a naked chicken.
Tori: 22:36 Well you are a very sexy naked chicken, I do have to say.
Soul: 22:39 All the feathers have come off. Ay yay yay.
Tori: 22:43 Hi naked chicken.
Soul: 22:46 Hello.
Tori: 22:46 You want to get with me, naked chicken?
Soul: 22:55 Pracaaaw
Tori: 22:55 Cacaaaw. I don’t think chickens do that.
Soul: 22:55 Don’t let go your feathers. That’s all I’m stuck on. Then, I’m like, I’m plucking them out myself and flinging them in the breeze. Just get a picture of that. It’s like… I’m doing it myself.
Tori: 23:09 Mm-hm. Okay. It must be very freeing.
Soul: 23:12 Oh my God. I guess it’s manifesting.
Tori: 23:16 Yup. You will be free. Free!
Soul: 23:20 What you focus on will show up because you keep focused on not doing it, so then you do it because the not falls away. All of a sudden you’re doing it. Don’t let go of your feathers. Don’t let go of your feathers. Don’t let go of your feathers. Let go of your feathers. Let go of your feathers. Let go of your feathers. Let go of your feathers. Let go of your feathers.
Tori: 23:39 Like Louise Hay says, the Universe does not hear not.
Soul: 23:42 There go the feathers,
Tori: 23:43 There go the feathers.
Soul: 23:43 I’ve learned so much in the last hour.
Tori: 23:47 See podcasting will be our therapy. Level us up.
Soul: 23:52 I guess it’s like writing, right? When you start writing then stuff comes out and didn’t realize that was in you, so then you’d have to talk and then you talk and you talk and stuff comes out. Aah, I just said that. Or, oh my God, that’s me. Or really? Which you would not have known unless you. Because you stay quiet you don’t, you don’t get to this point. Look and I’m not even drinking.
Tori: 24:12 You’re not. Well water, but yeah, cheers.
Soul: 24:15 I’m so…so… sober.
Tori: 24:15 Sober. Now it’s Saturday night. You want to go drink and go out.
Soul: 24:23 I’m learning so much.
Tori: 24:24 You are. We are. Everyone is. We said we want to do a podcast to help people learn
Soul: 24:33 and I’m learning more
Tori: 24:34 and we’re learning.
Soul: 24:35 We teach…
Tori: 24:35 that with which we most need to learn. Jonathan Livingston Seagull. I know I can never say it right but its Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
Soul & Tori: 24:45 We teach that which we most need to learn. We ‘teach that which we most need to learn.
Tori: 24:56 So we ended up actually going out that night.
Soul: 24:59 Yes we did.
Tori: 25:00 Yeah, we sure did. So we did go ahead and text them and say, Hey, are you guys going out to your normal place? Which we figured they would be, and a few texts back and forth decided that we would share a vehicle. That was actually kind of funny because they didn’t want…
Soul: 25:14 their kids to…
Tori: 25:16 Well their kids weren’t home.
Soul: 25:17 Oh, so they were. They were nervous.
Tori: 25:19 They were nervous about going somewhere with the neighbors. I don’t know why they’ve been lifestyle way longer than we have.
Soul: 25:25 And somehow it was everybody on this street was going to know that we were all in the lifestyle because they were getting into a car with us. I’m not sure how that translates, but that was their concern.
Tori & Soul: 25:34 Yeah. But whatever. So, it’s valid. So what we did is they actually asked if we could drive across the street and pick them up – like we literally live across the street like maybe two houses down but across the street. So they wanted us to drive across the street to pick them up. So we got in the car, so we got in the car and reversed, reversed two houses and then, when at the end of their driveway, and texted them. I think part of it is because they like to dress, she likes to dress all sexy and she didn’t want to be walking down the street in her sexy dress.
Soul: 26:00 Yeah, That makes sense. Yeah. Because normally it’s the overcoat or whatever, and this was in summer. So being able to get out of her house into her car is a short trip versus coming across the street. So yeah, that makes sense. Now that we’re talking about it.
Tori: 26:15 Well, we should actually say, we only found out that they were in the lifestyle because they came to us a couple months before and came and asked to chat with us on our porch and were congratulating us on our wedding and then said, oh by the way, we saw you on CD, Cafe Desire, which is a local lifestyle site for the area. And they’re like, we saw you on there. And we’re like, oh, so did you see us? And we’re like, no, but regardless I guess they’d been on there for awhile, so
Soul: 26:43 They had known about us being on there for probably six months and they were probably thinking we knew they were on there and weren’t sure how to approach us, but you know, nevertheless they did. And here we are driving across the street. All of 20 feet to pick them up. Yeah, at the end of their driveway. So she could come down to her driveway and get into the car. It was kind of, we felt like teenagers.
Tori: 27:05 Yeah. It was like there’s like you were trying to sneak out in the middle of the night. I actually did that as a teenager went through my window and climbed down and. Oh, okay. Sort of done that. This wasn’t climbing out the windows at least. Remember you were the quiet one. I was the one who was sneaking out of my house,
Soul: 27:20 so more about that later.
Tori: 27:23 So we went to the club and we went in with them and they had us meet a few of their friends and I had a couple drinks. That was nice. We had our lemon drop Martini, which we learned from Mr. Mrs Jones.
Soul: 27:34 Yes. Yes. That was the Desire drink.
Tori: 27:36 Yeah, exactly. So that’s now a, a nice fancy drink when I want to go out somewhere, that’s what we will order. So we had that and did some dancing on the dance floor and they were dancing next to us. We weren’t really interested in playing with them, nor were they with us. So it was more just a friendship type thing and …
Soul: 27:54 Tandem dancing.
Tori: 27:54 Tandem dancing, parallel dancing,
Soul: 27:57 Vertically dancing.
Tori: 27:58 And then you and I was, was getting warm of course, because we’re dancing, so we took off our tops, dancing in our sexy bras because we love to wear the lacy sexy stuff, so that was kind of fun and got to flirt and love up on each other. Then at some point we decided to go ahead and go into the back and they had already disappeared. So we figured they were probably in the back somewhere. Um, so we went in the back and this particular club you change, you have to change out of your clothes and put them into a locker and change into a towel or lingerie. And so we were in our lingerie and we in our bra and undies. And then we went into the back sort of group play area. How would you describe it? It’s like,
Soul: 28:35 It’s like a room with a glass wall on one side. Yeah. And it’s got mirrors on the other walls and it’s got probably four king size beds pushed together. All pushed together. So it’s a fairly large play area. Um, and couples can sit, lay, stand, whatever. Any place…
Tori: 28:57 Yeah. Because it’s a high up, so if a guy is trying to be able to stand as he’s with his partner, then there’s that ability is.
Soul: 29:04 Yeah, and there’s couples that are around the edge. Some are watching. Some are playing with each other.
Tori: 29:09 Standing up.
Soul: 29:10 So it’s quite the group play
Tori: 29:11 Quite the busy room. Yeah.
Soul: 29:12 There were probably 20 couples in there.
Tori: 29:16 Yeah, probably.
Soul: 29:17 So we decided…
Tori: 29:18 Yeah, we don’t tend to be the group play type people, but the, like I said, we figured we’d give it a try with a room. We found a corner on the bed to lay out our towels and I wouldn’t even call it a corner. It was kind of…
Soul: 29:29 It was. It was kind of like…
Tori: 29:31 a slice of real estate.
Soul: 29:32 Pretty much, yeah.
Tori: 29:33 Because we’re two women going into play. People don’t always know how to take us
Soul: 29:38 and they’re not sure why we’re there. So we will often get questions on the way in. Can you play with my husband? Can my wife play with you?
Tori: 29:45 Yeah, things like that. But we were just determined this particular night we were just playing with each other, so that was totally fine. Yeah we made our little real estate area and laid down and had some fun with ourselves and turned out that as we were there we noticed that our neighbors were sort of (on the other side) on the other side, kind of kitty corner of the place space and I’m pretty sure they noticed us as well. So that was kind of interesting. But…
Soul: 30:06 I saw a lot of bodies and I saw yours and I… That was my focus.
Tori: 30:11 Yeah we do that a lot. We really focused on each other and we’ve had people say, “Oh yeah, did you see how many people were watching? Or you see how many people are… And we don’t.
Soul: 30:19 We’re like, no,
Tori: 30:20 It’s like we like the energy of the space and the energy of the room and the energy of like sex going on around us.
Soul: 30:26 Sounds and sights, smells and whatever. But we are pretty much focused on each other. And we had a really good time.
Tori: 30:35 Yeah. So it was nice. So then we, after we finished there, we decided, we went and had a shower and then got dressed and we couldn’t find them at that point. So we figured they were…
Soul: 30:44 But that was the arrangement though.
Tori: 30:46 The arrangement was we would go home separately, yeah, because then neither couple of felt like they had to wait for the other or find the other. We did look just out of courtesy to see if they were leaving at the same time as us. We’d give them a ride home…
Soul: 30:57 But either they had left already or they were somewhere else. We don’t know. But I think it was a two thumbs up evening.
Tori: 31:03 Yeah, I think it was a great time. So, it was nice. All went well, regardless of any of the anxiety about contacting them and we haven’t gone out with them again, but it’s not because…. We know where they are. If we want to go any Saturday night because they go every Saturday night. So that’s kinda cool.
Soul & Tori: 31:17 Yeah. When we walked to the mailbox, now we wave and they wave back. Wave with a little bit of a different kind of a smile and they wave back. It’s good neighbourly looove. Exactly!
Tori: 31:29 So we have a final CarClip for you and this one will just kind of summarize. It was the end of our previous CarClip. The same time where we were still sitting in the driveway, before our night out and we just thought it was kind of fun to throw on the end. So here you go.
Soul & Tori: 31:48 We’re in our… What do you call?… Studio! In our studio or in a safe studio because it’s drinking water. Like the other podcast I listened to. Drinking water in our safe studio. I see why they podcast it in their car. Yep. Because it’s soundproof. Except for the hum of the engine and the not so great audio quality. It’s ghetto. Got to start somewhere. Slutty ghetto. It’s the Tori and Soul Ghetto Slutcast. Yes. I like it. Ghetto slutcasting. It’s unpolished and authentic and open and free.
Tori: 32:42 In the next episode, we’re going to talk about…
Soul: 32:44 how we’ve determined who we find attractive.
Tori: 32:48 Why it is that we find them attractive. What’s interesting,
Soul: 32:50 What influences how we see people?
Tori: 32:53 Our attractiveness to the people. Yeah. Hahaha. (Something like that.) So anyway, stay tuned. That’s what’s it’s going to be coming up on our next episode. So thank you for listening to our take on the world within and around the lifestyle. We truly hope that you can learn something from us and of course be entertained at the same time. Now we do look forward to connecting with you. We would love your feedback. We would like to know what you liked, what you would want more of, what you would like us to cover in future episodes, perhaps.
Soul: 33:23 What you want us to go out and try?
Tori: 33:26 Hahahaha. I don’t know. Are you looking for dares?
Soul: 33:27 Somewhat. Yeah.
Tori: 33:29 Oh, okay.
Soul: 33:30 As long as I’m on the ground and it’s warm and dry, then it’s a possibility.
Tori: 33:36 Aaah, okay, so I guess we’re looking for dares. Oh, we’ll see. We can pick and choose from those. You can reach out to us. Um, if you take a look at our website, that gives all the ways to contact us. It’s That’s t o r r I d s o u l s dot com. And that will give you a link for email or also you can leave us a voicemail. We have both through your computer or your device as well as you can actually use a landline or (if anybody has those anymore) or just a cell phone, you can call the number that we have there. Leave us a voicemail. We want to include some clips in upcoming episodes of your voices, your sexy voices with either questions or comments or whatever you want to tell us. We would love to include it, so please leave us your voice mail and on twitter you can find us at Torrid Souls. We keep it simple. It’s all Torrid Souls.
Soul : 34:22 Torrid Souls, Torrid Souls.
Tori & Soul: 34:26 Torrid Souls, Torrid Souls.
Tori: 34:27 I’m Tori
Soul: 34:27 and I’m Soul
Tori: 34:28 and together
Soul and Tori: 34:29 we are a Torrid Souls.
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