In this introductory episode, we share who we are, and discuss how we navigate the lifestyle in a different yet similar way.  Find out why we decided it was the right time to make Tori and Soul into a podcast.  Discover your own torrid soul.  Send us your questions or comments.  We’d love to hear from you! Twitter @TorridSouls 1-647-547-5512 

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Tori: 00:00 Welcome to Torrid Souls. I’m Tori

Soul: 00:04 and I’m Soul.

Tori: 00:05 We’re a same sex female couple …and we’re both bisexual.

Soul: 00:09 Yes! How awesome is that?

Tori: 00:12 So maybe we’re not the norm in the lifestyle and maybe our experiences are unique …or are they?

Soul: 00:18 We’re a couple, very much in love.

Tori: 00:21 And like you, we like to spice it up sometimes too. So join us and let our SMEXY lifestyle conversations open your minds

Soul: 00:28 and your legs

Tori: 00:29 just a wee bit wider.


Tori: 00:36 Hello Everyone and Welcome to our Intro. This is Episode 0 of Torrid Souls. I’m Tori

Soul: 00:43 and I’m Soul.

Tori: 00:45 So I guess we should first discuss why we chose Torrid Souls as our name.

Soul: 00:49 We didn’t actually choose it. It was gifted to us.

Tori: 00:52 It was gifted. Yes, indeed. So it was the first time we were at Desire, actually, and we were talking about

Soul: 00:57 possibly doing a podcast

Tori: 00:59 Yeah, I think we were talking about the possibilities and then after that discussion one lady came up to us later knowing our names, Tori and Soul and said, oh, I got the name for you guys. It’s Torrid Soul. Now she said singular, but regardless. And we kind of tried it on and I’m like, yeah, that’s kinda cool, but we just sort of put it in our back pocket and left it for awhile because that was well over a year ago. And here it is. So we looked up because that’s what we do. And we looked up the definitions. So definition of torrid, full of passionate or highly charged emotions arising from sexual love.

Soul: 01:35 It’s us. Not the hot and dry one.

Tori: 01:38 No, that’s another definition. But we’re not choosing that one.

Soul: 01:40 We’re hot but not dry.

Tori: 01:42 That’s true. ..and then soul, the essence of a human being is the definition we chose for that one. Basically Torrid Souls is being passionate and highly charged essences of human beings.

Soul: 01:53 Well, for me, what it means is that because being in the lifestyle, we have learned so much about ourselves and ourselves as a couple and that’s the essence. So we’re learning more about the essence of who we are, uncovering the essence of who we are. So that’s the soul part. I think everybody that we’ve spoken to anyway in the lifestyle say that they have learned so much more about themselves, their preferences and their dislikes and just how they are as a human being and things that trigger them from childhood or whatever. So you’re learning more about the essence of who you are and then who you are with someone else,

Tori: 02:30 which is where the passion comes in

Soul: 02:31 and with someone else, there’s that passion of the relationship

Tori: 02:35 with someone elses

New Speaker: 02:37 “Elses.” Yes, that’s true because it’s not just the one else. It’s many elses sometimes, and for some people it’s many elses all the time

Tori: 02:46 or at one time or many times. So basically to introduce ourselves. We are a same sex female couple and we’re obviously in the lifestyle and we know that this is definitely not the norm because we are out and about and we see that and we’ve seen a few other same sex female couples, but not very often. It’s not very prevalent.

Soul: 03:03 Actually. Two… couples.

Tori: 03:07 Yeah. Two….

Soul: 03:11 …in all the 1000s, and based on how we identify being bisexual…

Tori: 03:14 Yeah. We only met one other that’s like,

Soul: 03:16 aaand, they’re not really so much so based on their description. It’s kind of situational. Whereas ours is all the time.

Tori: 03:23 Yeah, exactly. But what we’ve discovered is that we experience things much the same as pretty much any other couple does. Like we have kids, we work, we have all the normal life things that we do.

Tori: 03:35 Yup. I think what’s also similar is that we came to this place trying to discover some more about ourselves and you know, being in a relationship for many, many years, we all get to that point where it’s like we know each other so well and okay, so what’s next? And we liked new and different, so we started looking to see what was new and what was different and happened upon sexy places that you can do new and different.

Tori: 03:59 Because we sure love spicing it up!

Soul: 04:01 What can we say? Sometimes a hard man is just good to find!

Tori: 04:07 Mm-hmm. Indeed. Yeah. We were both married to men before and now we’re married to each other. We’ve been married for a shorter period of time that we’ve been together. We’ve been together for over a decade, but we just got married this year.

Soul: 04:18 Just recently. Yeah. We decided that we know each other well enough that we should sign the papers because the test drive is successful.

Tori: 04:26 Yeah. it seems to be working out.

Soul: 04:27 Or is it… should we say the test RIDE?

Tori: 04:30 The Test Ride. Sure. So yeah, I’d say that to describe our relationship. I would say that we are a very passionate couple, we’re very much in love and just like our listeners, we like to keep it fun. I think this all started out with us just you and I are going to clubs. We heard about sex clubs, we happen to be in Toronto and that has a plethora. We have five in the area, which is pretty cool and as we’ve learned since is totally abnormal for the rest of the world.

Soul: 04:58 Yeah. We found out that it’s kind of a hub for the world because having that many clubs that are active and ones that people want to attend because there was some other cities where people say, yeah, we have clubs, but nobody goes there. It’s kind of scary and creepy and we actually have five great clubs and it can appeal to every different kind of relationship.

Tori: 05:20 Yeah, so we started out, we would probably go into this more in another episode, but it started out with us just going to the clubs just to be with each other in a sexy vibe where we didn’t have to wear clothes and

Soul: 05:30 we could just relax and…

Tori: 05:32 …be and we’re not really. I wouldn’t say we’re in the category of exhibitionists, but we’re not afraid of being watched. Would that be a good way to describe it?

Soul: 05:41 Yeah, well, especially for me, it’s not something that I seek out, but if you …

Tori: 05:44 You always want your butt in the corner, it’s like, it’s like no. You go on the front of where the audience is and you go on…

Soul: 05:52 Oh yeah, well I’m usually on top so it gets a little bit out there and so having it in the corner is a little bit better for me. More comfortable so I can focus on what I’m doing. Uh, yeah. I don’t think I would say that it’s something that we specifically seek out and get turned on by, but having people watch is fine and getting applause afterwards is awesome.

Tori: 06:17 That was fine. But yeah, so once we got comfortable, I think in going to some of the local clubs, then we quite naturally started taking a look at what else was out there and that’s where we… in our travels for business and pleasure, we started to see what else is there and that, and again we’ll do this in another episode, but that’s where we discovered lifestyle resorts and lifestyle vacations and all of the events that happen around the world that we have partaken in many of them now.

Soul: 06:45 Yeah. And it’s, it was eye-opening for us and the people that were there.

Tori: 06:50 Yeah, because we’ve met some great open minded people. Um, we’ve gone to some really cool events that it is kind of how this started. The idea of the podcast is because we really loved meeting people like we like to be friendly, we like to have fun, we have great conversations…

Soul: 07:05 And we like helping people.

Tori: 07:07 Because what happened is people would come up to us and want to know, well this happens in Vanilla or Muggle Life too. People want to know how it is that we have such an amazing relationship. Associations are a little different in the vanilla life,

Soul: 07:21 Slightly different but I mean it’s still the basic premise where, you know, people will see us getting along, being happy and joking and having fun and going places and doing things together. And I mean, my experience I can only speak from is that I’ve seen couples that have been married for a few years and especially the guys I will say don’t look happy. And when I meet couples that are in the lifestyle, the guys are smiling!

Tori: 07:47 Mm-hmm. Ear to ear.

Soul: 07:48 …and you know, their wives walk away and they look.

Tori: 07:51 They check ’em up and down.

Soul: 07:53 And it’s just great. So using that example and having people come up to us and say, you know, what is it that you guys do? What’s your secret? Well, the secret is sort of changes depending on who we’re speaking to. It depends on how much information we will share, but

Tori: 08:07 but in the lifestyle we can talk about anything. That’s the nice part about it and that’s kind of the impetus for this podcast is because now nothing’s off the table. Is that the way you say it? Nothing’s off the table. Sure. Okay. We’ll go with that. So everything’s on the table. Talk about everything.

Soul: 08:23 Everything’s on the table. Okay. There goes my visual.

Tori: 08:28 We love listening. We love sharing. We love that what we’ve done is interesting to people and helps them to open their minds and ultimately it’s about having better relationships.

Soul: 08:38 Yeah. I love the fact that people just see us as a couple obviously initially two women. They’re like, hmm, that’s interesting. But once we’ve had a few moments to talk, then everything melts away and we’re just people. People in a relationship who honor each other, who are interested in each other, who have struggles just like everybody else have good days and not so good days and

Tori: 09:00 yeah, and we’re like we and you and I both truly believe that relationships and not just what we consider this, which is a primary relationship, but all relationships are designed to help us to grow.

Soul: 09:10 Yes. Right. We both liked new and different and you’d like to push me. So what happens in that situation is you have me question what I believe and what I think is true for relationships. What I think is true for myself and having you do that has made me a more confident person because you’re here to support me as I try things. We have different upbringings. I was quite quiet and you were not so much and so now I’ve been able to have your support to try new and different things. We’ve had discussions about relationships and how they work, how they don’t work, and we both agree that not only our relationships, a lot of work, being with the same primary person for many years means that one or both of us will get bored if we don’t make a conscious effort to keep each other’s interest. Monogamy is not natural. It takes work to maintain it. It can be done and it is a contract, a choice, a decision. Non-Monogamy on the other hand is also a choice and a contract and a decision and contrary to the belief of those not practicing it, it actually requires even more communication and connection.

Tori: 10:28 Indeed, like within a non-monogamous relationship even there are so many versions that can be explored. Like our discussions I think on our podcasts are going to be what this actually looks like for us. So for instance, I love it that you brought this up, that you see sex as a sport.

Soul: 10:46 It is!

Tori: 10:46 Yeah. Like you say that it’s basically an activity, a way to be social, and I think we’ll probably have to do an episode explaining more about that, about how you see it as a sport or how now I see it as a sport even though I’ve never been a sporty person, I now have a sport. Yeah.

Soul: 11:02 And you won’t get hit in the face.

Tori: 11:03 No. Well. Okay. And then on that note, I think we’ll just probably close our Intro unless there’s more that you wanted to say.

Soul: 11:14 No.

Tori: 11:15 We’re thrilled that you, our listeners, will be joining us as we explore this passionate landscape with you. We are two women as a couple and with a few escapades here and there.

Soul: 11:26 We’ll share how this all got started for us, what works, what doesn’t, the amazing good times and the epic fails and since we like new and different, we’re open to trying things and letting you know how it went.

Tori: 11:40 And with each new experience we learn more about ourselves and our relationship.

Soul: 11:45 So if something we share helps you to have a sexier life, that’s a good day for us!

Tori: 11:51 So this is us. Let us get to know you too. We are active on Twitter. You can find us @TorridSouls, or you can reach us through email, or by leaving a voicemail. All the details to contact us are on our website So tell us, what do you want to know about us? What topics would you like us to cover?

Soul: 12:09 We’re here to help and we’re happy to take your suggestions for things we haven’t tried.

Tori: 12:13 Let us know. If you want us to go out and do something specific, we might just take your suggestion and come back to you here and report all about it. I’m Tori

Soul: 12:24 and I’m Soul

Tori: 12:25 and together …

Tori and Soul: 12:26 we are Torrid Souls.